Aroma Chemicals

COVID-19 STATUS: Aroma Chemicals is open and ready to supply materials 9781404220, 9781404215

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Sodium Hypochlorite (Chlorine)

Disinfectant Recommended by W.H.O

All objects that have come in contact with potentially infectious materials should be decontaminated.

Decontamination of surfaces : Wear an apron, heavy-duty gloves and other barrier protection if needed. Disinfect surfaces by wiping clean with 1:100 chlorine solution, then incinerate all absorbent material in heavy-duty garbage bags. The surfaces must be rinsed with clean water after disinfection.

Disinfecting surfaces in laboratories where PCR work is undertaken : Disinfect surfaces with 1:100 chlorine solution (more dilute solutions are not effective). The chlorine must subsequently be removed as it is caustic and may damage equipment. This may be done either by wiping the surfaces with clean water or with 70% alcohol (which also has a useful additional effect against most bacteria [not against bacterial spores] and vegetative fungi).

Decontamination of blood or body fluid spills: For spills, use 1:10 chlorine solution to inactivate pathogens before soaking up the fluid with absorbent materials. These absorbent materials must then be incinerated.

Disinfection of hands : The principal means for disinfecting hands is by washing with soap and water. If available, a commercial hand disinfectant containing alcohol, chlorhexidine or polyvidone iodine could be used. The use of strong chlorine solutions (such as 1:100 chlorine solution) should be avoided as it is dangerous).
Rest read W.H.O recommendations:-